All the best logistics strategies can only be rendered useful if you understand the latest trends in your field, which change constantly. However, these trends won’t just come out of thin air; they’re based on data and information provided by reliable sources with solid research backgrounds. This article will show you the top five logistics trends that will have the biggest impact on your business over the next few years, so you can get out in front of them and plan accordingly.
1. Remote Tracking
Tracking is one of the most important logistics trends that will affect your business, and it’s an ever-evolving trend as more advancements are made in technology. One of the newest ways to track shipments is through remote tracking, which uses software for real-time updates on location and status information. In addition, this tracking type can be used nationally and internationally, giving you much greater flexibility in where you do business.
Remote tracking also helps reduce costs by eliminating the need for an additional workforce to oversee your shipment at every step physically; instead, you can use remote trackers to stay updated at all times on your location.
2. Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions between two parties permanently and securely, which makes it an ideal solution for the logistics industry. Blockchain also provides transparency within transactions by keeping all data publicly available and immutable, meaning no one party can make edits without notice or approval from other parties on the blockchain network. This logistics trends is increasing rapidly.
3. Autonomous Vehicles
-Developments in autonomous vehicle technology have been pushing the boundaries of what is possible, with innovations emerging daily.
-Self-driving cars have a variety of benefits, such as lessening the likelihood of human error while driving and reducing congestion on the roads.
-Some experts predict that by 2024, up to 25% of new car sales will be electric or hybrid vehicles, reducing emissions by 20%.
-Car manufacturers are trying to figure out how to keep drivers alert in self-driving cars so they can take over if needed. One solution is for drivers to periodically take control for short periods when the car is on the highway or traveling straight ahead on a clear road.
4. Real-time Tracking
1) Real-Time Tracking: Technology advances have made it possible to track shipments in real-time. It’s now easier than ever for shippers, freight brokers, and transportation companies to know the exact location of their assets at all times, which helps them streamline operations and avoid disruptions that can lead to delays or increased costs.
2) Advanced Supply Chain Optimization Software: Companies are leveraging the latest technology to take advantage of new opportunities in logistics and supply chain optimization. From optimizing last-mile delivery routes to minimizing idle truck idling, there is always a way to optimize the flow of goods from one point to another. With so much opportunity available within today’s global market, small businesses need not limit themselves geographically when competing with larger rivals who may not be able to respond quickly enough.
3) E-commerce distribution centers: With more products being purchased online and being delivered by mail carriers directly into homes or offices rather than being picked up at a store, there has been an increase in e-commerce distribution centers opening up across India. Professional companies like Navata SCS are adding value to it. Such logistics trends are providing benefits to the industry.

5. Robotics and Automation
A recent study predicts that by 2025, robots and automation will eliminate 75 million jobs in 15 different industries, with logistics being one of them. This trend also means that many new jobs will be created, and it is estimated that there will be a shortage of up to 12 million workers with the right skills to fill these roles. The industry is expected to have a shortage of 2 million managers, 3 million technicians, 1 million drivers, and 2 million warehouse workers. This trend is already impacting the transportation industry as truck driving positions are becoming scarce due to the number of autonomous vehicles on the road, and trucking companies are having trouble finding qualified truck drivers.
It’s hard to predict the future, but these five logistics trends are worth keeping an eye on as they may impact your business shortly. For profound transportation or supply chain visibility, you may reach out to Navata SCS Now!
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