Modern trade has a more planned and coordinated approach to distribution and logistics management than traditional trade. Larger players in modern trade include supermarket chains, hypermarkets, eCommerce and other retailers. This entails aggregating demand across a wide range of products.
These supermarkets & e-Commerce aspire to reach India’s rural areas. And each one of them has its own set of regulations.
Losing an appointment is a time-consuming activity since the entire procedure must be repeated, resulting in a significant loss of resources.

The norms and processes in supermarkets and eCommerce are not the same. Amazon, for example, has a policy that if they have an appointment, the consignment must contain just their items. Some modern trade establishments may only accept open delivery, which entails opening the consignment and counting each item, which is a time-consuming operation.
As a result, handling the modern trade deliveries requires a lot of processes and procedures. The delivery time is also significantly higher for these consignments.
Each of the deliveries must be tracked in real time. Coordination with the booking and delivery customers as well as the vendor needs to happen in real time.
We have a proprietary methodology to ensure your deliveries happen seamlessly. Because of our customised appointment delivery system, companies like Karachi Bakery, TTK Prestige, ITC, Swastik Masala, Pidilite, Himanshu, and others trust Navata SCS.
Have modern trade requirements? Click here reach us!!

It is necessary to be the optimist.