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Creating a Passion for Supply Chain : Hima Parvataneni, CEO Navata SCS

India has been one of the fastest-growing economies in recent times. However, our supply chain industry—the backbone of any economy—still lags behind. Currently, our supply chain costs range between 14-16%, while global averages stand at 7-9%.
The fragmented structure of India’s supply chain industry often leads it to be viewed as a burden and a cost center. Most companies today struggle with managing multiple vendors for warehousing, transportation, and compliance. In the midst of these operational challenges, there is little consideration given to optimizing the entire value chain as a whole.

After spending 15 years working with tech companies in Silicon Valley, this major pain point became our focus when I returned to India. There needs to be a shift in mindset—supply chain should be seen as a competitive advantage, not just a cost center. To achieve this, we, as a community of Indian supply chain professionals, must come together to broaden our knowledge and approach.

We need to move beyond simply executing ground operations. It’s essential to upskill, stay updated on the latest technologies, and adopt new operational practices. By collaborating and sharing even the small adjustments we’ve made in our own operations, we can drive collective improvement across the industry.

So, let’s come together on this Supply Chain Growth Hub platform. Let’s share knowledge, learn from new case studies, gain insights from industry leaders, and ask each other questions—whether about operations or building a career in the industry. Whether you’re an industry beginner or a seasoned veteran, this community is open to all to contribute.
Together we can create passion for the industry, uplift the image of the supply chain, inspire more youth to join, and make supply chains a true competitive advantage.

Hima Forward Note

The supply chain is one of the most unique and exciting industries I have encountered. There is never a boring moment. Every day presents new challenges, keeping things fresh and engaging. And now with advancements in data analytics and AI, the field is expanding rapidly, offering plenty of learning opportunities. After 15 years in tech, I’ve found the supply chain industry incredibly rewarding. There’s a beauty in its complexity, and for me, there’s no going back.

Supply chains are crucial to the times we live in. Every essential item we use—whether it’s food grains or medicines—reaches us because of the hard work behind supply chains. We saw firsthand during the COVID-19 pandemic how the country came to a standstill without them. Yet, it pains me to see that the industry and its workers are not given the recognition they deserve. Take truck driving, for instance—it’s still considered one of the most undignified professions. Logistics, as a whole, isn’t yet viewed as an aspirational career by young people, unlike tech.

That’s why we are launching the Supply Chain Growth Hub—to ignite passion among supply chain professionals and bring about a cultural change. This community will be a space for passionate members to come together, share their knowledge, and grow in the industry. Let’s contribute case studies, professional interviews, leadership insights, explore new technologies, uncover new opportunities, and ask each other questions to learn from one another.

India is the fastest-growing economy today, but our supply chains remain costly. On average, supply chain costs in India range from 14-16%, compared to the global average of around 9%. Together, let’s bring our knowledge to the Supply Chain Growth Hub and make supply chains a competitive advantage.


– India is growing
– Third largest economy in the world
– Support this, supply chain cost should decrease
– 14% compared to global 7%
– While policy, infratucture, attitude towards the industry should change
– Dignity of drivers
– Outlook towards the industry
– We need more talented people and need to build passion for the industry
– Thus this community
– Whats great about supply chain
– Beauty in it
– Problem solving
– Rewarding career
– Data analytics and AI
– How to use this space –

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