The COVID-19 pandemic that has swept the globe in past years has wreaked havoc on people’s health and the global economy. Several countries have implemented and continue to impose massive lockdowns in order to slow the spread of virus through their people. This has generated huge demand and supply disruptions all around the world.
Offices, industries, educational institutions, big marketplaces, retail malls, and other businesses throughout India were also urged to close. The issues experienced by supply chains in general, and vital services in particular, were magnified since the government and companies had limited time to prepare for the lockdown.
After the lockdown was lifted, several brands struggled to keep up with demand, as warehouses around the country were overburdened.

Due to the same a well know baby care brand was having distribution issues. They sought assisstance from Navata SCS in developing a bespoke solution.
Navata SCS was able to provide custom route mapping & bulk breaking solutions.
How did Navata SCS successfully accomplish the project?

Navata SCS AI Technology assissted them in creating an efficient custom route, and the logistical movement was handled with the help of eco-system partners within city and to the remotest parts of India.
No products were lost or damaged since the bulk breaking processes were handled by the Navata SCS’s trained personnel.
The entire project was efficiently completed in less time than the customer had anticipated.